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by June Abernathy
I'm Still Here is more than just a showstopping number in Stephen Sondheim's
Follies. It is a cultural roadmap of the
American fads, media darlings,
politics, and excess of the last century.
Carlotta Campion has been through
it all, and she has been brought to life by such great ladies of the stage as
Yvonne De Carlo, Nancy Walker, Carol Burnett, Shirley MacLaine, and Ann
Miller. Told by a character who has "seen it all", and sung by an Actress
whose actual life adds reality and resonance, if it has been cast well, this
song strikes a chord with every audience member.
Those who have "been there" a
bit themselves can identify, full of the knowledge that they, too, are "still
here". Those who are too young to have gone through the mill themselves can
still admire the guts and determination of someone who has, and has lived to
tell about it - to sing about it - with electrifying passion.
Unfortunately, as time marches on, there are less and less people who understand the references in the lyrics - it has become a bit of a trivia game to get them all.
Yet understanding them gives the listener added depth and context that make it worth the hunt. So, to help out, I've assembled a breakdown of the sometimes obscure references in I'm Still Here:
Good times and bum times,
I’ve seen them all and, my dear,
I’m still here.
Plush velvet sometimes,
Sometimes just pretzels and beer,
But I’m here.
I’ve stuffed the Dailies in my shoes,
Dailies – Daily newspapers, to replace the soles in worn out
Strummed Ukuleles,
"Ukuleles" - A Hawaiian instument which became a popular fad on
mainland in the 1920’s.
Sung the Blues,
Seen all my dreams disappear,
But I’m here.
I’ve slept in shanties,
Guest of the W.P.A.,
"W.P.A." - Work Projects Administration (1935–43). U.S.
agency during the New Deal. The WPA undertook extensive building
and improvement projects to provide work for the unemployed.
But I’m here.
I’ve been through Gandhi,
"Gandhi" - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (a.k.a. Mahatma)
Indian nationalist and spiritual Leader who developed the
practice of nonviolent disobedience that forced Great Britain
to grant independence to India in 1947. His philosophy was
embraced by civil rights activists in the U.S. during the 1960’s.
Windsor and Wally’s affair,
"Windsor and Wally’s affair" – a reference to an affair between
King Edward VII,
reigning King of England in 1936, and Wallis Warfield Simpson, an
American divorcee. He abdicated the throne in order to marry her in
and was granted the title of Duke of Windsor.
And I’m here.
Amos ‘n Andy,
"Amos ‘n Andy" - A popular show about the comic lives of two hapless black men which began on the radio in 1929 (with white actors), was made into a TV show in 1949 (with black actors), and finally pulled off the air in 1965 due to protests about the show’s stereotypical depiction of blacks.
Mahjongg and Platinum hair,
"Mahjongg" - A chinese tile game which became very popular in
the suburban US in the 1920’s.
And I’m here.
I got through "Abie’s Irish Rose
"Abie’s Irish Rose" - A play which opened in 1922 and ran for a
then unheard of 2,532 performances.
Five Dionne Babies,
"Five Dionne Babies" - The Dionne Quintuplets, a multiple birth
that made
headlines in 1934.
Major Bowes,
"Major Bowes" - Produced and hosted a popular Amateur Hour on
Had Heebie-Jeebies
For Beebe’s Bathysphere
"Beebe’s Bathysphere" - William Beebe invented the Bathysphere,
a reinforced
steel deep Water diving chamber which he took down to record depths in
I got through Brenda Frazier,
"Brenda Frazier" - Popular debutante and spoiled rich girl who
regularly made
the papers for a variety of romps which illustrated how well some
of society were living while others starved.
(Alternative lyric:)
I've lived through Shirley Temple,
"Shirley Temple" - Child actress who attained monumental fame and
adoration during the depression. (This line was changed as of the 1987
London revival of Follies, as a better known reference- particularly
to non-Americans).
And I'm here.
I’ve gotten through Herbert and J. Edgar Hoover,
"Herbert (Hoover)" - President of the US from 1928 to 1934.
Blamed by many
For the Depression. (No relation to J. Edgar Hoover).
"J. Edgar Hoover" - Head of the FBI from 1921 until his death
in 1972.
Known for fighting gangsters during Prohibition, although the
here is probably more for his anti-Communist campaign after WWII,
led to unfortunate blacklisting, the "red scare", and, to a certain
the US involvement in the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam. Since his
evidence of cross dressing and possible homosexuality have made the
all the more ironic.
I’ve been through Reno,
"Reno" - Reno, Nevada. Known as a place to obtain a quick and
easy divorce.
I’ve been through Beverly Hills,
And I’m here.
Reefers and Vino,.
"Reefers" – Marijuana cigarettes
"Vino" - Wine
Rest cures, religion and pills,
But I’m here.
Been called a pinko
Commie tool,
"Pinko Commie tool" - Reference to the "red scare" of the early
Senator Joseph McCarthy formed a "House UnAmerican Activities
Committee", and accused various Government officials, entertainers,
and detractors of being Communists out to destroy the US. He was
discredited and censured by congress in 1954 after destroying a number
lives and careers.
Black sable one day,
Next day it goes into hock,
"hock" - Sold to a pawnbroker for cash
But I’m here.
Top billing Monday,
"Top billing" - The first name listed in the credits of a show.
The Star.
Tuesday you’re touring in stock,
"stock" - Summer Stock, or more generally, theatre outside of
But I’m here.
I’ve run the gamut,
A to Z.
Three cheers and dammit,
C’est La Vie.
"C’est La Vie" - French for "that’s life". Indicative of a
carefree lifestyle.
I got through all of last year,
And I’m here.
Lord knows, at least I’ve been there,
And I’m here!
Look who’s here!
I’m still here!
I'm Still Here
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