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Marry Me A Little

In late 1980. Craig Lucas, who was then in the chorus of Sweeney Todd (and who later became a well-known playwright) was asked by The Production Company to create a production for late-night entertainment. He though about an evening of Stephen Sondheim's unpublished and cut songs and asked Sondheim for permission. Sondheim wasn't crazy about the idea, but gave the go-ahead anyway. Lucas had to use the set that was already in place for a play, so the director, Norman René, came up with idea of having a man and a woman in the same apartment building singing the songs. The original off-off-Broadway production got favorable notices, and the show moved to off-Broadway in 1981. However, the reviews were not quite as good as they had been earlier, and it closed after three months.

Original Production Info (Off-Off-Broadway):

Opened       		October 29, 1980
Closed       		December 28, 1980
Theatre      		The Production Company

Conceived and developed by Craig Lucas and Norman René

Production Info (Off-Broadway):

Opened      		March 12, 1981
Performances    	96
Theatre       		Actor's Playhouse
Director       		Norman René
Musical Direction       E. Martin Perry
Choreography       	Don Johanson
Set Design       	Jane Thurn
Lighting Design       	Debra J. Kletter
Costume Design       	Oleksa
Producer       		Diane de Mailly

In association with William B. Young


  • Craig Lucas
  • Suzanne Henry

Musical Numbers:

  • Two Fairy Tales
  • Saturday Night
  • Can That Boy Foxtrot!
  • All Things Bright and Beautiful
  • Bang!
  • All Things Bright and Beautiful (Part II)
  • The Girls of Summer
  • Uptown, Downtown
  • Who Could Be Blue?
  • Little White House
  • So Many People
  • Your Eyes Are Blue
  • A Moment with You
  • Marry Me a Little
  • Happily Ever After
  • Pour Le Sport
  • Silly People
  • There Won't Be Trumpets
  • It Wasn't Meant to Happen

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Assassins is about how society interprets the American Dream, marginalizes outsiders and rewrites and sanitizes its collective history. "Something Just Broke" is a major distraction and plays like an afterthought, shoe horned simply to appease. The song breaks the dramatic fluidity and obstructs the overall pacing and climactic arc which derails the very intent and momentum that makes this work so compelling...”
- Mark Bakalor

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“I found [the Sondheim Celebration's Company] to be completely delightful. Almost all of the numbers excited and energized me, and most of the scenes were about as pitch-perfect as you can get. I just sat there with a big smile on my face the whole show.

Which is not to say that it is perfect...”
- popcornonmyknees

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