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Sondheim was hired by Warren Beatty to write the complete score for
his film Reds, in which Beatty starred with Diane Keaton.
As Sondheim would score the scenes, Beatty would sit and squirm, until
finally he told Sondheim that he didn't like the music that illustrated
what the characters were feeling. After much discussion, Sondheim
ascertained that what Beatty really wanted was a love theme he could
use throughout the picture. So, Sondheim delivered the beauty in
"Goodbye For Now". Ultimately, David Grusin would write the rest of
the score, as Sondheim was immersed in the intensely troubled preview
period for Merrily We Roll
Along. But his theme shines throughout the film, a truly lovely
paen to the film's lovers.
- Bruce Kimmel
Show Data
Film Information:
Opened ............................ 1981
Directed ................. Warren Beatty
Written .................. Warren Beatty
....................... Trevor Griffiths
Cinematography ........ Vittorio Storaro
Music ................. Stephen Sondheim
........................... David Grusin
Production Design ...... Michael Seirton
........................ Richard Sylbert
Costume Design ......... Shirley Russell
Film Editing ................ Dede Allen
............................ Craig McKay
............................ Simon Relph
Produced ................. Warren Beatty
Film Cast:
John Reed ................ Warren Beatty
Louise Bryant ............. Diane Keaton
Max Eastman ............ Edward Herrmann
Grigory Zinoviev ........ Jerzy Kosinski
Eugene O'Neill .......... Jack Nicholson
Louis Fraina .............. Paul Sorvino
Emma Goldman ......... Maureen Stapleton
Paul Trullinger ......... Nicolas Coster
Speaker ................. M. Emmet Walsh
Mr. Partlow .................. Ian Wolfe
Mrs. Partlow ............... Bessie Love
Carl Walters ........... MacIntyre Dixon
Helen Walters ................ Pat Starr
Mrs. Reed ............ Eleanor D. Wilson
Floyd Dell .................. Max Wright
Horace Whigham ......... George Plimpton
Maurice Becker ............ Harry Ditson
Isa Ruth .................. Leigh Curran
Crystal Eastman .......... Kathryn Grody
Marjorie Jones ........... Brenda Currin
Jane Heap ................ Nancy Duiguid
Barney .................. Norman Chancer
Big Bill Haywood ........... Dolph Sweet
Police Chief ............... Ramon Bieri
Pinkerton Guard ........... Jack O'Leary
Pete Van Wherry ........... Gene Hackman
Dr. Lorber ................ Gerald Hiken
Julius Gerber .......... William Daniels
Allan Benson ................. Dave King
Joe Volski ............... Joseph Buloff
Alex Gomberg .............. Stefan Gryff
V.I. Lenin ................ Roger Sloman
L. Trotsky .............. Stuart Richman
Witness .................. Oleg Kerensky
Senator Overman ......... John J. Hooker
MacAlpine ................. Shane Rimmer
Harry ..................... Jerry Hardin
Eddie ....................... Jack Kehoe
Government Agent ........ R.G. Armstrong
State Department Official . Josef Sommer
Karl Radek .................. Jan Triska
Scandinavian Escort ........ Eke Lindman
Russian Nurse ............ Nina Macarova
Russian Doctor ........ Jose De Fillippo
Little Boy ............. Andress La Casa
1. Goodbye For Now
1. Original Soundtrack Recording, 1981
(Columbia, BJS 37690)
2. Reds (VHS), 1982
(Paramount Home Video, 1331)
3. Sondheim at the Movies, 1997
(Varese Sarabande, VSD-5805)
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Assassins is about how society interprets the American Dream, marginalizes outsiders and rewrites and sanitizes its collective history. "Something Just Broke" is a major distraction and plays like an afterthought, shoe horned simply to appease. The song breaks the dramatic fluidity and obstructs the overall pacing and climactic arc which derails the very intent and momentum that makes this work so compelling...
- Mark Bakalor
I found [the Sondheim Celebration's Company] to be completely delightful. Almost all of the numbers excited and energized me, and most of the scenes were about as pitch-perfect as you can get. I just sat there with a big smile on my face the whole show.
Which is not to say that it is perfect...
- popcornonmyknees
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