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Singing Out Loud

Singing Out Loud, an original film musical with a score by Sondheim and a screenplay by William Goldman, was written for Rob Reiner to direct, but remains, as of now, unfilmed.

The plot revolves around a lady/star producer who is making a musical film - which is not working. Needing help, she calls in her former lover who is also the man who discovered her and is now a famous director. After watching the film's opening number, "Sand", which is edited in a horrible MTV style, he suggests throwing out the score and hiring a Paul Simon-type pop composer. The song "Sand" presented Sondheim with an intersting problem: "Sand" is not supposed to be a good song. So he had to come up with a song that wasn't good, but also wasn't bad. Divorced from its film connotation, however, "Sand" is ethereal, mesmerizing, and a far cry from not good.

In the film the song "Dawn" would have begun with its pop songwriter playing the piano and explaining different scenarios for the song and how they could be shot. Each scenario would then be shown, thus illuminating the creative process of how film work and how writers picture scenes in their heads. The song is very complex, visual and fragmented.

- Bruce Kimmel

Show Data

Film Information:
Writer .......... William Goldman (1992) Music and Lyrics ...... Stephen Sondheim
Musical Numbers:
1. Dawn 2. Looks 3. Lunch 4. Sand 5. Singing Out Loud 6. Water Under the Bridge
1. Sondheim at the Movies, 1997 (Varese Sarabande, VSD-5805)

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Assassins is about how society interprets the American Dream, marginalizes outsiders and rewrites and sanitizes its collective history. "Something Just Broke" is a major distraction and plays like an afterthought, shoe horned simply to appease. The song breaks the dramatic fluidity and obstructs the overall pacing and climactic arc which derails the very intent and momentum that makes this work so compelling...”
- Mark Bakalor

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“I found [the Sondheim Celebration's Company] to be completely delightful. Almost all of the numbers excited and energized me, and most of the scenes were about as pitch-perfect as you can get. I just sat there with a big smile on my face the whole show.

Which is not to say that it is perfect...”
- popcornonmyknees

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