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The Last of Sheila

Sheila is killed in a hit-and-run car accident following a party one night. A year later her multi-millionaire husband, Clinton, invites a group of her friends to spend a week on a his yacht. He's a notorious practical joker and insists his guests play a mystery game where each has been assigned a crime for the others to discover. Each night a series of clues is planted in the local port and the team must solve the identity of the criminal of the day. However, things get out of hand and soon there's a real crime to solve.

Film Data

Original Film Production Info:

Opened 1973
Director Herbert Ross
Writers Stephen Sondheim
  Anthony Perkins
Music Gerry Turpin
Produced by Warner Brothers
Producers Stanley O'Toole
  Herbert Ross
Cinematography Gerry Turpin
Costume Designer Joel Schumacher
Production Design Ken Adam

Original Film Cast:

Tom Richard Benjamin
Christine Dyan Cannon
Clinton James Coburn
Lee Joan Hackett
Philip James Mason
Anthony Ian McShane
Alice Raquel Welch
Sheila Yvonne Romain
Vittorio Pierre Rosso
Guido Serge Citon
Captain Roberto Rossi
American Couple Elaine Geisinger
  Elliot Geisinger
Silver Salesman Jack Pugeat


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Assassins is about how society interprets the American Dream, marginalizes outsiders and rewrites and sanitizes its collective history. "Something Just Broke" is a major distraction and plays like an afterthought, shoe horned simply to appease. The song breaks the dramatic fluidity and obstructs the overall pacing and climactic arc which derails the very intent and momentum that makes this work so compelling...”
- Mark Bakalor

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“I found [the Sondheim Celebration's Company] to be completely delightful. Almost all of the numbers excited and energized me, and most of the scenes were about as pitch-perfect as you can get. I just sat there with a big smile on my face the whole show.

Which is not to say that it is perfect...”
- popcornonmyknees

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